Thursday, December 06, 2007

you've known her for how long?

tomorrow, around this time (barring flight delays), i'll be hanging out with stephanie, a girl i met just 6 weeks ago, at a wedding which i was supposed to attend with a girlfriend, that dumped me before the wedding happened.

stephanie and i danced the night away...and had it not been for timing, a random trip outside for fresh air, and choice "julius-like" pick up lines like, "would you like to come on a sandals vacation with me?," or "if we're going to grind on each other, i think we should know each other's names," a girl that lives half a country away away wouldn't have booked a flight to visit me (in DETROIT IN DECEMBER!!!) for a weekend.

for so long, i marched down this path of just stupidity, locking myself to one person emotionally and physically on many levels. meeting stephanie, and just talking to her for the last ~6 weeks, nearly every day during and after work, has made me realize there are so many good things in life to be happy about. taking her outlook on life and love has made me feel so much more comfortable in my own skin, has helped me deal with the past few months, and kept my mind occupied on the things most important to me, and not the things important to another person.

it also helps that the she thinks i'm funny and amazing, and is willing to fist fight anyone that doesn't think i'm amazing. and she knows i feel the same way about her.

here's to a fun weekend...

1 comment:

aspiringradass said...

let's toast a drink to "blowing sunshine up each other's asses because it's easy to do when the other person is rad" this weekend, shall we? yes, we shall. ps those were the best pick-up lines i've ever heard in my entire 27 years on earth. (i spent several on venus, but that's a story for another time).