Tuesday, December 11, 2007

a goodbye

tonight, i went out with my friend ingrid, who over the last 4 months has lived in detroit monday-thursday as part of her consulting work with accenture. tonight was her 2nd to last night in detroit, so we went out to the dbc to say goodbye.

i find it amazing, that someone who i've known for so long (nearly 7 years) can find themselves back in your life so many years later. ingrid and i were close for most of her freshman year, but only kept random contact throughout the next 6. surprisingly enough, she was the first to talk to me after my most recent relationship fiasco.

it was good to have a bit of home come to detroit for a short period of time. many days i miss chicago, my friends and my life that i think i could have had...had i lived in chicago. i chose to move to detroit, and prayed for my friends to visit...so many have, and to those that made it here, i thank you all the time.

ingrid's 4 months in detroit, and her opinion of the city, makes me proud i live here (she also told me detroit is in the nyt's top 53 places to visit in 2008) it's sad to see her go, but at the same time, i'm glad she got a great impression of detroit, and an experience she may not have had visiting another big city like ours.


aspiringradass said...

was it #53? muahhahahahah heeheheheehe

idamaster said...

it was #40

don't laugh stephanie, you loved it here.

aspiringradass said...

yes, but not because of the city.